
Grug and his Garden by Ted Hughes

Grug and his Garden is a fun, simple read for our younger readers but there is so much we can do with the concepts introduced here.


Grug loves his garden – his grass for his bed, vegetables to eat and flowers to look at (and for the bees of course)

If we look at this book in a sustainable way we can see how Grug uses everything in his garden – he is self sufficient! Wouldn’t it be great if we all could be like this…but living in smaller houses and closer to the city doesn’t always lend itself to this. However, we can be creative and try to grow as much as we can in order to make some aspects of our life greener and more sustainable.

If you need inspiration go and visit the Coal Loader in Waverton – so many wonderful ideas that we can all implement at home in some small way.

Visit Milkwood Permaculture’s site for some great ideas on home permaculture inspiration!

Or check out Sydney sustainable gardening for some seasonal garden tips!

So what can you do in your home or classroom to add a bit of gardening in?

  •  Many herbs grow in pots and require less sun (being smaller) AND if they do need more sun they can be moved easily outside during the day as pots are smaller and easier to carry.
  • Plant the seeds according the the correct season they should be planted in. Keep a diary on the growth of the herbs.
  • When the herbs have grown be creative with how they are used in your cooking – this allows children to see that they can create their own food and will hopefully inspire more gardening.
  • Get outside – your backyard, the park or the national parks – get in the soil, look at what is growing in your area.
  • Check out which Herbs are in season. We buy seeds from The Diggers Club. These seeds are heirloom seeds (so many different variaties of tomatoes – not just the one or two we see in store) can sometimes be harder or easier to grow but add so much more diversity to your garden.
  • Grab a soil tester kit and learn about how soil plays a major role in growing your own crops.
  • Check out Costa’s gardening blog for some more inspiration!
  • Connect your kids to gardening: Check out this great blog with ideas for children.

Sustainability is creating your own veggie patch, no matter how big or small.

Sustainability is supporting nature in the best possible way you can.

Sustainability is making, buying and using all that you need to to support you and those around you.

Grug sums it all up in this great book.

Be like Grug. (But maybe not so hairy)


Curriculum Links.

Technology: Design and technology.

Investigate how and why food and fibre are produced in managed environments and prepared to enable people to grow and be healthy (ACTDEK021)

A great document has been created by NSW DET in regards to the syllabus links for kitchen gardens.

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