Whether you go to the footy in a tinny, a trophy or on a barge, this book is unforgettable.

How do you go to the footy? And if not the footy – how do you get to different community events?
Going to the footy explores all the different forms of transport that we can take to go places.
The local football match is often a weekend adventure for many kids so this book will resonate highly as they wonder what it would be like to travel there in so many different ways.
Debbie Coombes artwork which accompanies each page is contemporary Tiwi art. The illustrations show texture, strong earthy colours and life.
Young children will love exploring the different patterns on each mode of transport, the passengers inside and wonder where they may have come from!
Children from these communities will love ‘seeing’ themselves on one of these modes of transport and children who do not know anything about Tiwi lifestyle can explore one fun and relatable aspect.
Published by Magabala Books, this book showcases life in Australian Indigenous communities, the artwork that is part of their culture and the joy that weekend outings to the footy can bring!
What else can you do?
Find out where the Tiwi Islands are and what life is like here.
Explore the different modes of transport and compare how you move around your town or city. What do these modes of transport look like in real life? Explore photos from the Tiwi Islands.
Visual arts.
Explore the art technique used by Debbie Combes and other forms of painting from the Tiwi Islands.