Where have all the brave bears gone? And the big fat slippery fishes? And all the lost and lovely creatures? Where are they? Where have they all gone?

Paul McDermott has created a beautiful story about memories, journeys and friendships. We meet Ghost Bear, a young polar bear cub who stands alone with the shadow of this mother in the background. He heads off on a long journey through the ice until he lands on an ice floe to somewhere.
He meets other animals along the way and notices all the beauty in the world. As he floats up to the stars, possibly dying himself, he learns that we are all made of stardust and our memories live on.
Older students will enjoy thinking about this book and what it means to them. Is it the concept that we are all made of the same thing, that we came from stardust? Is it a look at the concept of endangered and disappearing animals? And can it also be about love, loss and friendship?
This book is one to share, to discuss and to open up. The artwork Paul McDermott has created alongside this story is stunning. The space used around the characters along with the colours highlight many different aspects of the story and help readers to find their own meaning within the text.
I think everyone can find different meaning within this picture book and even younger readers will understand the concept of losing loved ones but everyone will enjoy the paintings and the creativity of Paul McDermott, the emotion and the peace. A perfect book to share.