Blue Flower by Sonya Hartnett and illustrated by Gabriel Evans. Published by Penguin books

Blue Flower by Sonya Hartnett and illustrated by Gabriel Evans. Published by Penguin books

Being different isn’t easy, until you decide it’s a good thing to be.

The young child we meet in this book never wants to go to school, too shy to make friends, too worried to ask the teacher for help and concerned that she isn’t funny or fast enough.

She is very talented at art but somehow does not see this to be a strength because it is something different to what everyone else is good at.

Luckily for her, her mother picks up on her dislike for school and anxieties about making mistakes or standing out and tells her how being different can be wonderful.

This young girl takes time but soon comes to the realisation that being different is what makes the world the wonderful place it is. She sees the blue flowers amongst the hundreds of yellow daisies, the tall trees amongst the short and the various colours and shapes of clouds that fly above her.

She sees and she knows that being different is ok – it could even be wonderful!

Blue Flower by Sonya Hartnett is an excellent picture book to read out loud to children of all ages – especially older children who are starting to notice how different they may be from the others. It allows for conversations about the wonderful differences we all have and how to embrace these in every way possible.

Gabriel Evans’ illustrations, completed in watercolour and pencil, are beautiful and add an element of wonder to this picture book through his use of pastel colours and movement. The young girl in this book loves art and the detailed illustrations really show her love of detail and artistic expression.

An excellent book to use to develop awareness of the importance of differences, kindness towards others and kindness towards ourselves. A great book for social and emotional learning at any age.

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