Everywhere Everything Everyone by Katy Warner

Everywhere Everything Everyone by Katy Warner

“Your picture of Mila and those words…..maybe I should have asked, but everyone was so taken by it, and it’s working, love. You’re making a difference. Your voice, people are hearing it.”

“It’s just a drawing,” I said.

“A voice can take many forms, Santee. It can be more than words.” 

In this Young Adult dystopian fiction we meet Santee, a 16 year old who apparently lives on the wrong side of town. She lives in a city, not unlike our own yet in this city there is curfew, there are rules and a leader who is ruthless to defeat the ‘Threats’ that inhabit this side.

Being a 16 year old the last thing Santee wants to do is follow rules so of course one rule is broken – a long car ride out of town and this turns out to be something that will change her life forever.

Written from Santee’s point of view we feel the angst, love and fear of a teenager. We feel her pain as she discovers her family are now out of reach – behind the new wall that has been put up but we feel the love and power she gains through this loss.

Katy Warner has written this book with many different aspects of our world in mind – refugees who can’t move beyond walls, those who cannot get in touch with loved ones in foreign countries and walls like the Berlin wall that were put up to stop threats in their own time. 

Young Adults will not only love the teen romance but they will love the courage that Santee shows to ensure that her future, and that of others is one that is fair and just. 

Everywhere Everything Everyone is a story of compassion, a story of the power of community and a story of hope . It shows that truth and love can conquer all – even if it takes a long time.

Buy it now —-

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