Stargazer: A step by step guide to the southern night sky. DK books

Stargazer: A step by step guide to the southern night sky. DK books

On a clear night you can see up to 3000 stars in the southern night sky – perhaps more than most people who live near cities have ever seen, but they do exist – we only need to get out beyond the city lights and smog and there they are.

Stargazer: A step by step guide to the southern night sky outlines all of the different constellations in our night sky.

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On each double page spread you are shown how to spot the constellations, where they are in the sky and the background information or story behind the creation of the constellation. 

Real space images are scattered throughout the book so readers can see what The Milky Way, The Magellanic cloud and Galaxies look like.

This is a perfect book to encourage children outside to look up at the stars and see what they can find. You’ll be amazed at the different constellations there are out there!

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