Billie and the blue bike by Ambelin Kwaymullina. Published by Magabala Press.

Billie and the blue bike by Ambelin Kwaymullina. Published by Magabala Press.

Children from all cultural backgrounds will enjoy reading this book  as it relates to something many children have to think about – how to get a new bike! 

Although children are often given new things when they want them, this book shows how hard work and problem solving can allow children to be able to get things through their own efforts and planning.

Billie and the blue bike’s illustrations are full of fun with it’s bright colours and bold lines. The use of visual storytelling is strong throughout this book, allowing children to discover more about the story themselves. Towards the end of the story is a great double page spread which allows children to see how Billie works towards buying her own bike through an illustrated flow chart. Readers can discuss how she is feeling as she does chores for her uncle to save towards her own bike as well as what she is up to.

Billie’s new bike is an excellent book which also aims to develop children’s financial literacy and through this fun and relatable story it does this very well.

Great links to the numeracy classroom for Early Stage One – Stage 1 students.

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