My love for you is infinite. My heart is with you always.

This book moves at pace right from chapter one where we meet Art and her mother hiding in an attic trying to escape capture by witch hunters.
Through her mother’s storytelling we learn a bit about Art and her adventurous nature but it all ends abruptly when the footsteps close in on the attic and Art has to leave her mother much to her despair, leaving her only a letter full of clues and a book full of recipes that she must never let the wrong hands touch.
Spurred on by her loneliness and love of her mother, Art embarks in an adventure through 1647 Scotland and England on horseback.
Art learns to believe in the power of herself and the power of the natural world, as in order to find her mum not only must she have courage but also see what the natural world can give her.
Filled with Lots of excitement and adventure, this is an excellent book for 9-12 year olds, filling that gap for younger readers who want magic and adventure yet are not quite up to the sinister side if some older magical reads. The power of nature runs through this story stirring up emotions of if we just stop to look at the world around us – the answer is often right there.