Climate friendly weekly food shop

Climate friendly weekly food shop

Perhaps with the extreme bushfires of 2019-2020 then the pandemic and now the catastrophic floods of 2021 in NSW you are considering that it might be time to take more action so that the effects of climate change are hindered and our children’s future is safer?

First and foremost we must talk to our politicians, we must sign petitions, email them, write letters and tell them we want action.

Secondly we need to make our own changes and this can be done easily by most of us.

Here are some easy tips for you to consider when doing your weekly food shop that can make a difference:

  • Grow your own . Start with herbs and easy vegetables like tomatoes. Herbs are a cause of huge amounts of waste so by growing your own, you only need to take what you need each time.
  • Buy from local growers. This could be from a co-op, a farmers market or a local grocery delivery.
  • Buy local when you shop at the supermarket. Resist the temptation to buy pomegranates & oranges from the USA. Not only will they be heavily sprayed they have travelled many kilometres using carbon emitting fuel to get here.
  • Choose supermarkets that are making an effort to sell local & plastic free produce. The less plastic wrapped produce you buy, the less impact you are making on our climate.
  • Try to make your own or do without heavily packaged goods.
  • Buy in bulk to reduce your plastic waste and carbon consumption.
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