Antiracist baby by Ibram X. Kendi and illustrated by Ashley

Antiracist baby by Ibram X. Kendi and illustrated by Ashley

Antiracist Baby is filled with the power to transcend, my friend. And doesn’t judge a book by its cover, but reads until…The End.

Antiracist Baby – wow – a much needed book for the world we currently live in.

Racism is bred, not born and through better education and discussions we can make sure our children change the way the world is now.

This book, through rhyme, outlines 9 ways we can stop being racist and start being more accepting along with owning our actions and thoughts.

This is a great book for parents and grandparents to read out loud so that they are the example to their children that racism is not ok.

Teachers can use this as a base for making sure there is no racism at school or within the community.

Ideas for the classroom

  • Develop your own antiracist school kid – what would they say and do to your school community?
  • Explore why racism exists and what would happen to a world without racism.
  • Conduct debates about discrimination
  • Find historical events to do with discrimination in your country and community and how they have shaped the place you live in.
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