My Skin. Your Skin. by Laura Henry Allain Mbe. Illustrated by Onyinye Iwu

My Skin. Your Skin. by Laura Henry Allain Mbe. Illustrated by Onyinye Iwu

“I’m delighted to announce that this review has been shared by Twinkl! For even more great recommendations, make sure to visit their TBR blog

Racism is a big word for children (and some adults) to understand but creating a book like this one allows children to discover what racism looks like amongst their peers and how they can be the change.

Laura Henry-Allain Mbe words along with Onyinye Iwu’s illustrations bring this issue to life for young readers and listeners – they can see children whispering to each other, they can see how people of different cultures, beliefs and skin colour can achieve exactly the same thing and they can see that if they tell others to stop, a change can happen.

This book will enlighten those who are not affected by racism and will empower those who are and it will provide the space to talk about how we can act in our own lives.

This book is a great teaching tool for classrooms – primary aged (5-12) and of course at home through family discussions about various topics in the book.

Big topics need books like this and the team at penguin have chosen two great creatives to bring this to life!

Teaching tools:–your-skin.html

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