
The coffee cup

A few weeks ago I blogged about and sometimes you forget – which many readers found solace in considering many of us lead busy lives and just sometimes those coffee cups get forgotten.


Well there seems to be an answer to this forgetting right here in Sydney.

Although it’s still not ideal and waste is still created – a 96% recyclable cup has been created. The first place to trial this cup will be Toby’s Estate in Chippendale. This cup can  be turned into paperback covers and other paper and cardboard products BUT it does need to be dropped into a recycle me box in order for this to happen properly.

It would be wonderful if we always remembered our reusable cup or took the time to have our tea and coffee at the cafe – but it is good to know there is an environmentally answer to those times we do forget.

Perhaps it is time to talk to your regular cafe and ask them what they are doing to make a difference to the waste their customers create. Either offer a discount or start to invest in these recyclable cups.

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